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Всього матеріалів в каталозі: 52 Показано матеріалів: 1-10 |
Сторінки: 1 2 3 4 5 6 » |
Annotation: The article describes theoretical bases of professional self-determination of people with disabilities. There are three main components of professional self-identity, professional orientation, professional competence and professional activity. Showing comparative results of an empirical study, of professional orientation disabled and healthy people. With the use of psychodiagnostic methods M. Rokicha detected pattern in the display of instrumental values: the dominated disabled complex values of individualism, and people without disabilities revealed values of interpersonal relations of domination. Keywords: self-determination, self-realization, professional self-determination, people with disabilities, values, professional self-realization. |
Анотація. У статті розглядаються наукові підходи дослідження ксенофобії та її поведінкових проявів, наведені емпіричні дані особливостей ксенофобічної поведінки серед молоді студентського віку. Акцентовано увагу на інтолерантному ставленні та стереотипному сприйнятті іноземців українськими студентами. Виявлено, що толерантність у студентському середовищі дещо домінує над інтолерантністю, існує прихована напруга стосовно іноземців, що може призвести до небажаних соціально-психологічних проявів ксенофобії. Ключові слова: ксенофобія, толерантність, інтолерантне ставлення, студенти, поведінкові прояви. |
PSYCHOLOGY OF HANDICAP COMPLEX: AGE ASPECT The article is devoted to the psychological analysis of age peculiarities of handicap complex manifestation in humans with disabilities. The paper clarifies the concept of «handicaps» as a social phenomenon that is updated by the negative perceptions of disabled people and the category of «handicap complex» is revealed. The introduced results of empirical research of handicap complex manifestationwere received with the help of the author's questionnaire which is certificated and tested. While determining the features of handicap complex manifestationin people of all ages it has been found that it appears mostly in young and elderly people, who suffer from severe depressive states about the presence of disabling defect, increased anxiety and fear of the future, while these figures are expressed much less in the respondents of the middle age. Keywords: society, disabled, handicap complex, fear, disgust, depression, anxiety, self-isolation, aversion to himself, rejection of himself. |
In the article scientifical deals research approaches senophobia and her behavioral manifestations, disclosed factors and features sinofobic behavior among college-age youth. Accentuated attention on intolerance relation against and stereotyping of Ukrainian students Chinese in universities. Preliminary studies analyzed the behavioral manifestations sinophobia in the United States and Russia. |
Annotation. The article is devoted to coverage of the empirical analysis of the results of the individual features direct interaction with disabled people. The study was conducted using modeling techniques situational attitude to disabled people which has been standardized and tested. About 20% of the healthy population with distinct characteristics handykapnosti as characterological traits of the individual. Effective displays a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities find about 25% of respondents. Key words: disabled people, disability, interaction, relationship to other handykapnism, socially determined behavior, tolerance. |
ПОВЕДІНКОВІ ПРОЯВИ ГАНДИКАПІЗМУ Stavitskiy O. MODIFIED TECHNIQUE OF "INCOMPLETE SENTENCES" DIAGNOSTIC HANDICAPS The article is about the concept of a handicapness as the character traits of the personality and the method of its diagnosis. Shown standardization procedure a modified technique which includes checking for validity, reliability and representativeness. Key words: diagnostics, handicapism, handicapness, disability, validity, reliability, representativeness. |
Attitude to disabled people depending on the type of residence The results of empirical research displays handykapizmu - disabled social attitude on part of society and as such is seen disabled to them. The research was conducted during 2010 - 2014 years in six regions of Ukraine by anonymous survey on how to research the complex handicap which was tested for validity, reliability and representativeness. Total number of respondents is 680 people of all ages, gender and profession. Disabled residents of regional centers noted on itself displays of anger, disgust, contempt, hostility, selfishness, the desire to dominate, antipathy, intolerance, prejudice, underdeveloped empathy. Instead, residents of villages and townships are more cohesion and openness, tend to actively establish contacts, rarely showing indifference to the rights of the disabled. Keywords: handykapizm, disabled, social setting, a person, a person with limited functionality. |
Abstract. The article deals with the concept of complex handicap in disabled personality and presented his method of diagnosis. Shown procedure standardization authoring methodology, which includes verification of the validity, reliability and representativeness. Respondent consists of 100 claims are divided into five scales: "The level of self-esteem", "Vulnerability", "Еmotional instability", "The level of self-control" and "Communication skills". Granted key and describes the level of manifestation of complex handicap on three levels: high, medium and low. Key words: psychological diagnostics, respondent, disabled personality, disability, handicap complex, installation, attitude. |
Annotation. The article is devoted to psychological analysis of youth attitudes to disability, people close to them. The level of development handicap presented the results of an empirical study using the technique of situational simulations related to disabled people. More than 53% of respondents are not able to accept the fact of disability of their loved ones, do not know how then build interaction with them. 42.7% of respondents do not perceive the presence of a physical defect of their loved ones as a fatal tragedy, although these thoughts arouse their negative emotions and experiences. They believe in the possibility of establishing life and adapting to new conditions arising from the emergence of a physical defect. And only 4% of students do not believe that disability can have a significant impact on the lives of their loved one, confident that they can cope with the difficulties caused by the lack of acquired perceive disabled as a full person who is able to express themselves in many areas. Key words: youth, validated, disability assistance, friends, handicap of close people.