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Features of the complex expression of handicap in people with disabilities

Formulation of the problem. In the first-ever "World report on disability," the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank indicated that there are 15 % of disabled people from the total populationof the world is. According to preliminary data of the United Nations (70 years of the twentieth century) number of disabled people in the world was about 600 million people: about 10.0% of the population. Growth in recent years is 5%, and in numerical form it's much more [4].

Number of disabled people in Ukraine over the last 5 years has grown by 5.5%. The press-service of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine mentioned it.Number of disabled people of working age are more than 1.5 million people.

"We now have in Ukraine have 1.9% of children with disabilities, and some predict that percentage will rise to 2.5%," – that what was mentioned during the round – table "Social Partnership for Children," which was held on 2 February 2008 inTruskavets (Ukraine), by Minister of Health ofUkraine V. Knyazevich [4].

According to the chairman of the Committee on Health of the Supreme Council Bakhteyeva, in Ukraine there are now 186,000 children with disabilities, according to UNICEF this number will increase to 212 thousands of sick children and 85,000 children with severe disabilities. "In a state in recent years, noticed a large increase in disability among children. In particular, only children with cerebral palsy in Ukraine more than 23,000. Most disabilities are increasing because of birth defects, 20% of disorders because of the nervous system ", – said T. Bakhteeva [4].

"Since the projected 2.5% of disability, 1% of children will be the so-called" hard ", that is, immobile patients. The number will be even more about the children and young people with disabilities – 10-20% ", – said T. Bakhteeva [4].

For the above reasons, increasing the number of disabled people concerning Ukraine, we can safely add the following factors:

- Low macro-and micro-economic indicators of socio-economic development;

- Imperfect legislative and regulatory framework with respect to the rights of people with disabilities;

- Low level of economic well-being of the population;

- Inefficient and financially inaccessible to the majority health care system;

- Adverse environmental factors.

Growth dynamics of the Ukrainian population of disability over a decade confirms the dependence of this phenomenon on social factors [7].

Therefore, it is impossible not to notice the existence of this problem and the problems that arise in daisabled people interaction with other people. Because of this, we attempted to investigate the influence of the above factors on the occurrence of people with disabilities handicap complex syndrom and tried to define the concept of "gandikapizm" and "handicap" to reveal their content in terms of the science of psychology [8].

Considering this article is to clarify the psychological content of the concepts of "gandikapizm" and "complex handicap" and find out the level of formation of the components of the complex handicap in disabled people.

The presentation of the basic material of the study.

The theoretical part.The concept of handicap and gandikapizma in the early stages of the scientific establishment and virtually unexplored. There are different interpretations of "handicap". It is defined as sports, racing, in which the weaker members in order to increase their chances of success, given a head start [1], a way to reflect on the previous stages of leadership, which is expressed in earlier exit to start at a later stage [2].

From a psychological point of view, in fact, this concept is explained as a condition in which a combination of physical, mental, psychological, and social skills of people with disabilities complicates the process of adaptation, not allowing them to achieve optimal development and function [8]. According to this, the handicap is defined as a psychological complex, individual, internal failure like a man with disabilities, the deformed image of "I" under the influence of the functional limitations of the individual. L.S.Vygotsky called this phenomenon the "full imperfection or social disabilities" [3, p. 73].

Given some of the differences in the understanding of the concept of "disability" should be distinguished disability – physical or mental imperfection that disrupt an individual from handicap – a set of social and psychological responses to this disabled state.

Disability does not necessarily imply a complex handicap. A humanbeing with disabilities can feel their inferiority, being different, imperfect, which leads to the destruction of his relationship with the community, to reduce social activity, self-isolation.

On the other hand, people with disabilities can feel themselves a full member of society, to be socially adaptable and have the ability to self-realization. In this case, the disability is not the defining condition that affects the character traits which makes restructuring "self-concept" man, and usually does not affect the image of his life and the specific self-relation.

R. Corsini and A. Auerbach concept of "gandikapizm" consider as prejudice against people with certain deviations from the norm, so it becomes a kind of racial and gender stereotypes that exist in our society, both in the open, the individual and institutional, as well as the hidden, latent forms [5].

We agree with this view and the concept of "gandikapizm", is interpreted as a social phenomenon, which is updated by the negative perceptions of people with disabilities. These views are in the public consciousness, and are also expressed at the unconscious level as the collective unconscious (archaic stereotypes), which are due to the archetypes.

The experimental part of the study. In order to investigate the stated problem, the basis of our psycho-diagnostic test equipment has been put "Self-Portrait" (ES Romanov, OF Potemkin) with the interpretation of R. Burns (USA, Institute of Human Development, Seattle). Projective test "Self Portrait" is used for the diagnosis of unconscious emotional components of personality (self-esteem, to date, a neurotic reaction of anxiety, fear, aggressiveness). Portraying himself, man reproduces the basic features of his own bodily needs and internal conflicts. Rich projection of personal dynamics,that is shown in the figure, the method opens up the possibility of analyzing the strengths and potentials of design, as well as the analysis of violations [6, p.145 – 163].

The method allows us to study the perception of the respondent's own physical disability on a subconscious level, identify the specific relationship of the individual to itself and its relationship with society. The results are shown atpicture 1.

Pic. 1. The levels of expression of components of the complex handicap (%).

On a scale of "Self" a high level of performance is typical to 20.7% of respondents who focus on their positive traits and believe in their own strength and ability, believe that they can achieve anything in life what they want. These people did not focus on their own physical defects, does not see it as an obstacle to self-realization and self-expression in a free society.

Average level is typical for 47% of people whose self-esteem is based on different conceptions of self, combining in equal ratio of positive and negative qualities. These respondents generally adequately assess their own opportunities, set goals, take into account the assessments of others.

In 32.4% of people exhibit low self-esteem, based on the inability of the individual to select their own strengths and advantages. These people are focused only on their negative qualities, focus on the presence of debilitating weaknesses, consider them as the source of all the difficulties in life of personality.

On a scale of "Social adequacy" highest are 27.6% of the respondents who are able to objectively perceive the social environment in which they find and evaluate the relationship to their society. These respondents pay attention to how they are perceived by society and easily determine the nuances of the relationship, feeling rejection, pity, empathy or superior to themselves. In response, people typically exhibit social restrained behavior, are not inclined to intense expression of emotions.

Average levelis typicalfor 47% of investigated. They are not able to adequately assess the attitude of others to theirselves, treating it according to the setting, the expectation of acceptance or hostility. Behavior of the individual in society as it is inadequate when minor external influences personality reacts impulsively and emotionally.

The low levelis typicalfor 25.4% of subjects, which demonstrate low social value, showing the inability to feel the relationship to theirsurrounding, assess their motivation to establish contact with them. These subjects behave in society inadequately prone to displays of aggression towards others, or use the contact form intrusive.

The figures for the scale of "Control of desire", indicating its high level was observed in 42.6% of the respondents who are able to self-control their emotional states, rational behavior and deliberate actions. These subjects tend to control their instincts and impulses, mulling procedure before making a decision.

Average level is typical for 41.6% of respondents who are less able to self-control, but the application willpower able to subordinate their desires conscious regulation.

Low level is typical for 15.8% of subjects that are difficult to control theirselves, their impulses and desires. They are prone to irrational acts, not ponder the consequences of their actions.

On a scale of "Basic needs and instincts" high level seen in 18.5% of subjects who feel comfortable and satisfied with their lives by how they were able to realize themselves in various spheres of social life. These respondents were able to adapt to life with a disabling defect and not perceive it as an obstacle to their needs.

Average level is typical for 43% of subjects. They feel that they can not fully meet their needs and desires, believing that it is a physical disability is a barrier to this.

Characterized by a low level of 38.6% of respondents who feel helpless and inferior, are aware that their life is not going the way they wanted, and, accordingly, all accompanied by depression and frustration.

The data were obtained on a scale of "Sensitive to public opinion", pointing to its highest level was detected in 32.7% of subjects, which are particularly vulnerable to criticism, rejection and the expression of a negative attitude on the part of society. Even a slight remark or thoughtless words of others can cause depression in these subjects, lead to lower self-esteem and a desire to provoke isolated from healthy people.

Average levelis typical for 50% of subjects who pay attention to the opinion of society about themselves, but try to focus on their own self-image. In this case, the negative attitudes of others can not lead to a decrease in self-esteem of disabled because of his "self-concept" is sufficiently robust and stable.

Low level is typical for 17.3% of subjects who pay little attention to what society thinks of them. In assessing the respondents themselves are guided only their own view of themselves, their self-esteem is stable and is not subject to external influences. Such disabled people feel comfortable and confident in society, believe in themselves, have a high level of self-esteem.

The figures for the scale of "Anxiety", pointing to its highest level was observed in 34.3% of the subjects who feel insecure in a society of healthy people are uncomfortable with the need to maintain contact with them. They are convinced that others are concentrated on their physical defects, treating them as second-class people who are unable to be productive members of society.

Average level seen in 40.2% of respondents who experience anxiety and uncertainty in the individual situations of interaction with society. Usually, they are characterized by low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem, can not provide a socially approved qualities.

Low levels of manifestation of this characteristic is typical for 25.6% of the subjects. They are characterized by low anxiety, are self-confident, and better able to adapt well to life in a healthy society. These people with disabilities demonstrate social activity, have many opportunities for self-realization in different spheres of human activity.

On a scale of "Fear" a high level of 15.4% of respondents characterized suffering from obsessive fears of differing nature. Among them are the fear of loneliness, isolation, helplessness, etc. People with disabilities are afraid to be unacceptable in society, to feel his hand disgust and anger.

The average level observed in 54.3% of the respondents who have no fear of obsessive nature, but occurs quite often in adverse situations.

The low level of performance of this feature is characteristic of 30.3% of the subjects did not suffer from fear. They feel comfortable and confident, optimistic perceive their own future, believe that they will achieve their dreams, to express themselves fully.

Strong performance on a scale of "Aggressive" characterized 10.5% of the respondents. For them, the destructive behavior is a defense mechanism of the bias of others, who do not take disabled people, emphasizing their inferiority, treating them down. These respondents do not expect from a positive attitude, and use conflict as a variant form of behavior expression of position. Thus, disabled demonstrates that he is not ready to take the interaction with healthy role, providing submissions.

Typical average 46.7% of subjects who are aggressive in some cases, interactions with others, when people treat them unethically use destructive behaviors.

Low level observed in 42.8% of the respondents who are not subject to conflict interaction. They strive to build a harmonious relationship with others, flatten the existing contradictions and do not react to provocations.

On a scale of "Protection" high level is typical for 18.7% of subjects, who tend to use a guard position when interacting with others. These respondents perceive society as a hostile environment, which is not able to understand and accept disabled, exposes them to discrimination and stigmatization. Thus, a person is considered a defensive stance as a necessary condition for existence of a healthy society.

In 50.7% of the respondents shows the average on this scale. They rarely use a defensive position when interacting with healthy people are able to open up to others, do not hide their true thoughts and feelings.

Characterized by a low level of 30.6% of respondents who do not think society is dangerous to their self-esteem. They expect others understanding, compassion and empathy, rely on the help and understanding of healthy people.

The figures for the scale of "Selfishness", pointing to its high level, are characterized by 19.4% of respondents. These investigated only focused on their own problems and experiences, focus on their disease and are not able to receive the information concerning them directly. Their self-absorption evident in the process of communication, creating barriers to understanding.

Typical average 48.3% of the subjects, who are focused on their own needs, but are able to escape from thoughts of their inferiority and be considerate to others.

32.3% of the respondents have a low level on this scale, which indicates that the individual is increasingly focused on the problems and experiences of others than on their own. Such a person is able to provide support to people in need, despite the fact that he is in a difficult situation.

On a scale of "Depression" high level seen in 14.6% of subjects, who are often in a state of frustration, anxiety, have predominance of asthenic emotions. They are very upset by the fact of disability, can not set a goal that could achieve with a pessimistic estimate their future.

Average 52.6% of the subjects were characterized from time to time are in the doldrums, but remain at the same faith in a better future and believe that everything will be fine and they will be able to feel again enjoy life despite the debilitating defect.

Low level is typical for 32.8% of the subjects that are not prone to depression. They were easily able to adapt to a new life and find ways to self-realization in the society.

The data were obtained on a scale of "Dependence", pointing to its highest level, 27.8% of respondents characterized suffering from feelings of inferiority. They believe that they can not do anything, shift the responsibility for their own lives to friends and relatives. These respondents emphasize their helplessness, fear to show independence, characterized by self-doubt.

In 46.8% of the subjects observed average for this scale. These people with disabilities to some extent feel dependent on healthy people because of physical disability, but tend to find their feet, take responsibility for their lives.

Low level is detected in 25.4% of the respondents. They are characterized by internal locus of control. Such disabled do not feel dependent on others, do not like to ask for help, try to bring their life to a life of healthy people.

On a scale of "Infantilism" is shown at a high level of 20.6% of the respondents who are not able to take responsibility for their actions and deeds, fully expects the assistance of others, characterized by a tendency to irrational actions.

Average level is typical for 48% of subjects, who tend to manifest immaturity, but they have the ability to control their impulses, rationally considering whether their actions.

A low level of this index is observed in 31.4% of respondents that do not exhibit infantile behavior, prone to deliberate and purposeful actions. They plan their activities, subjecting its main goal.

Strong performance on a scale of "Show" is defined in 19.5% of the subjects that use a model of behavior in respect of self-doubt. These respondents did not seek to hide his disfigurement, try different ways to get attention, sometimes consciously on display disabling defect. Thus, a person overcome his complexes, get rid of the feeling of isolation and fear of being rejected.

Typical average 50.8% of persons who are subject to the states of negativism, when socially disapproved behavior. However, such reactions person uses only in conflict environment, when society pressed for her.

Low level is typical for 29.7% of subjects who did not show off characteristic. They do not want to stand out among others, on the contrary, seek to merge with other people, be discreet. These respondents feel uncomfortable being in the spotlight, being in a big campaign, where they are expected to be proactive.

Conclusions. It should be noted that the results of the study provide an opportunity to say a few important points:

1. For about 50% of the disabled population is characterized by average severity complex handicap.

2. The high level of formation of the handicap complex is characterized of about 20% of people with disabilities. However, identified three components of this complex, figures that exceed designated boundary. Thisis control of impulses, the sensitivity with respect to the opinions of others and anxiety.

3. The low level of development of complex handicap found in about 30% of people with disabilities. Only two components of the characteristics of this phenomenon exceed "normal": the satisfaction of basic needs, desires and aggressiveness. This is easily explained by the fact that failure to meet all the real needs (hence the name of the people), which determined the presence of physical, physiological or mental defect. Aggressiveness is a derivative of the impossibility of implementing the first position.

It should be noted that the results obtained to investigate the phenomenon of projective techniques "Self Portrait" are positively correlated with other methods of investigation, which we used to work on the problem. So given this and representativeness of the sample there is every reason to rely on the results.

A promising direction of research on the problem, see further analysis of the phenomenon under study with regard to age, their education, place of residence, profession.




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